Friday, October 23, 2009


Everything about the personality of the daffodil is lovely. I love the fact that they make you wait. You have to put in the effort to plant them months before you will even see their beauty. How lovely it is waiting for the daffodils. I love their spontaneity. They are unpredictable. You know they will be coming in the spring, but never exactly when. You just wait...and watch, and then? Daffodils! How much more delightful that you don't just plant daffodils like those other flowers you would buy at a nursery. You know, the kind that are already there? You just stick them and their square, dirt bottoms in the ground. There's no mystery with those kinds of flowers. Bleh. But daffodils?! They really grow. I get so excited when I see the first green, spurty hints of the daffodil stem. And little by little, they come up through the dirt. Then, once in full bloom they shine on you and are happy to see you come. They are flowers that would run to meet you if they could. They are flowers of un-abashed adoration and goodness. I would wish to emulate a daffodil.


  1. yay! you have a blog! i'm so excited about this. also, since they can't run to meet you, you run to meet them! remember when we would go all over campus stealing daffodils and putting them around the apartment? i'm glad i'm not a daffodil, because you love them so much, but you are allergic to them. and then you try to itch your throat, but it sounds like you're trying to barf up your trachea. i miss you! and love you, and look forward to reading this blog :)


  2. You didn't tell me about this. I found it. I FOUND IT! errr emma told me. I love seeing that picture because A. daffodils remind me of you! B. that outfit you are wearing reminds me of you! C. there is no c. i just miss you. yay for your blog!!!
